Sunday, January 28, 2018

Snow Monday, Groundhog Day Storm Still Too Soon

I haven't really had a chance to talk about our weak upper level disturbance that'll be swinging through Ohio tomorrow. Probably because a lot of attention has still been focused on a potential storm late week. We'll get to the Groundhog Day storm in a minute, but first a little Monday snowfall.

This isn't going to be a big storm, but the timing could be the real problem. I think snow will start somewhere between noon and 2pm:

It'll be interesting to see if we get any kind of precip mixing before cold air rushes in later in the afternoon to drop temps and solidify all snow.

I think we could see as much as an inch across the area.

After this storm passes through, I think that'll allow the weather models to reset the scene for the Thursday-Friday storm. As of now most models are doing exactly what I expected... trending south. I don't want to post any models today as I think this is going to change a lot in the next couple days. For now, prepare for a potential storm but don't count on it happening. I think we'll see something, but currently I'm very skeptical about a southern low dumping on us.

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