Thursday, March 1, 2018

Goodbye Winter

Remember those couple inches of rain we had last weekend? Apparently that was the perfect time for my sump pump to give out. When I walked in my basement Saturday morning, the carpet was rather slushy. That should have been a sign that we've seen our last real winter storm.

Then today we have high winds and rain as the future Nor'Easter revved up as it passed through the Ohio Valley. The center of the primary low passed directly over us here in Central Ohio, and the backside may give us a very light dusting of snow on grassy surfaces:

This type of setup is just about the only way we'll see any more measurable snow for the rest of the season. For the foreseeable future in March I think we're in a seasonable pattern, which means we probably have a better chance at thunderstorms than snow showers.

Would anyone in Franklin County believe we had 24.6" of snow on the season? I got closer to 18" and I'm only about 10 miles from the airport. I've ranted a ton about how much CMH fudges the numbers, but when we have a mediocre season and you somehow make it look slightly above average? That's just misleading.

I'll keep an eye out for any potential surprise storms that may give us some sort of measurable snow, but I think we're getting closer to tornado season and further from the snow.

By the way, today is one year since I moved from WunderBlogs. Or rather, was forced from WonderBlogs. In the end, moving to Blogger gave me a lot more freedom and has helped me reach a larger audience. So thanks for screwing up, WeatherUnderground!


  1. "By the way, today is one year since I moved from WunderBlogs. Or rather, was forced from WonderBlogs. In the end, moving to Blogger gave me a lot more freedom and has helped me reach a larger audience. So thanks for screwing up, WeatherUnderground!"

    Thanks for doing what you do. I for one always look forward to reading your new posts.


  2. Same here.

    Sorry about your basement. One sump pump failure was enough to convince us to get a hydraulic backup. After some botched city work outside burned out our main pump when we were away for a week, we were very happy to see that the backup worked perfectly.

  3. Have you seen the GFS AND EURO models? For several days it has been showing a pattern very favorable for some surprise winter storms. Honestly I'm just ready for storm season.
