Wednesday, March 21, 2018

SUMMARY: March 20th-21st Snow

Swing and a miss. What else can I say? It looked like we would be squarely on the northwest quadrant of this low, putting Central Ohio in the best position for a decent accumulation, and instead the low came far enough in to Ohio that the best hit Western Ohio. I'd hinted at model guidance shifting that way yesterday morning, and sure enough that's what happened.

Check the snow totals:

The snow that did fall was of little impact to the morning commute. In fact I think I only saw a couple delays in the Central Ohio area.

This was a real bust. We've had some storms this year that dropped less than advertised, but this one totally shifted less than 12 hours before it began.

For snow lovers I think we have another legitimate shot at snow on Saturday. I'll write about that soon!


  1. Whenever I hear a forecast of snow my mind always goes to Gunnery Sergeant Hartman (R. Lee Ermy) in Full Metal Jacket yelling "Bull####!!!"

    Too many misses...


  2. Ever since I saw the morning hrr I had a feeling it would bust . Saturday could be huge.
