Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Good Job, Lancaster

Can anyone confirm the 3" that was reported in Lancaster from the overnight snow? Everyone else saw roughly an inch, and somehow Lancaster - the common area that misses out on snow - got the most in our area!


  1. **** I am unable to add a comment to the 3/14/17 post. Hopefully I
    can add on here.

    I live a bit south of Lancaster, and we got 1.5" or so. I was in
    Lancaster today and didn't see anything that looked like it
    approached 3", although I have no trouble believing the "DEPT OF
    TRANSPOR" reading of 2.0" The source for the 3.0" was "SOCIAL
    MEDIA", which I don't know if I would trust. The wind was pretty
    strong down here even this morning, so I'm wondering if someone
    didn't measure some small drifts or in the grass.

    So I guess I can't deny it, but I certainly can't confirm it.


  2. Definitely had 2" in NW Lancaster. Definitely did not have 3". We tried though!
