Sunday, November 10, 2019

Veteran's Day Storm

My apologies for not giving this more of an rundown in advance of the storm. Tomorrow is all but certain now to be our first accumulating snow of the season for most if not all of Central Ohio.

The morning should actually start out dry and mild before getting squeezed between two competing air masses:

This animation is the best example of what we're up against for timing of the onset of snow tomorrow. In Southern Ohio it'll get in to the 60s out ahead of the front, while northern Ohio is already below freezing before daybreak.

But that dark blue line in the middle, at the end of the animation, is where the action will happen. And for us, it's all a matter of when that line pushes south, to determine when we move over to snow.

The temperature animation ends at 1pm, but we don't even see precip start until sometime after 3pm:

This is different from last week's storm because of how far the cold air advances before it even starts raining. There's even an outside chance that we have very little rain out of this storm, and cold air overruns the precip shield quick enough to hit us with snow early.

When the changeover happens, we could see periods of pretty heavy snow for the first couple of hours. That could allow rapid accumulation, even though our ground will still be fairly warm. Right now I think changeover will happen at or a little after sunset. This should be good news for the evening commute, as long as the system doesn't speed up.

That being said, here's our first snowfall map of the season:

This assumes a few hours of rain to start, followed by heavy snow for a couple hours before trailing off after midnight. If any of those variables change, so does this map.

I'll be posting on Twitter all day tomorrow, so be sure to follow me HERE

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