Monday, January 28, 2019

Deepest Cold in Years

If you haven't heard about the cold that's coming this week then you've been living under a rock. Weather nerds and every day folks are all talking about THE COLDEST AIR TO EVER INVADE OHIO. Ok, for anyone that actually is saying that, it's a bit of an exaggeration.

However, we are on tap for what will probably be the lowest wind chills we've seen since February 15, 2015. That date was also the last time we had a Wind Chill Warning.

As of now, Wind Chill Watches have been issued for a large portion of Ohio in anticipation of the arctic blast:

I expect these to change to all Warnings by tomorrow morning. Each model run has been firm on Wind Chills of -20° to -25°, and I don't anticipate that changing in the next 24 hours.

This cold will come in two waves. The first will be tonight around midnight as the initial cold front pushes the rain out of the area. Yes, this could leave us with some flash freezing by daybreak:

This will leave air temperatures struggling to get in to the teens tomorrow. Combine that with sustained winds in the 10-15mph range and tomorrow will be an uncomfortable day. But wait, it gets worse.

The second wave hits Tuesday night in to Wednesday morning:

This not only brings the reinforcing shot of cold air, but gustier conditions. We will see sustained winds of 20mph and gusts up to 35mph. That's when wind chills as low as -25° could be realized sometime during the day Wednesday. Expect numerous school closures Wednesday, as this is the kind of cold you don't want your kid waiting at the bus stop for any amount of time.

Just as I typed this, we were issued a Winter Weather Advisory for the flash freeze tonight and chance of up to an inch of snow as the rain transitions. Considering we're in the mid 40s right now and expect to crash down to lower teens by sunrise, it's safe to say tomorrow will be a rough day. And Wednesday will be one of the harshest days we've had in quite a while.

Some areas of the Upper Midwest will see -50° wind chills, so hey, it could always be worse! I plan on updating through Twitter as this event sets in.

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