Monday, September 3, 2018

THE WEEKLY - September 2nd - 8th

As you might have noticed, I didn't post at all during August. I actually feel like even on my old Wunderground blog I rarely posted in August. Why? Because August is the most boring month of weather all year long. Want proof. It was another month without any real severe weather to talk about, it was above normal wamth, and slightly above normal rain. Every day was just about the same: hot, with a chance of pop up afternoon storms.

So why not start September off the exact same way! Man, I can't wait until Winter.

This week will be hot. Each day will be above normal until the weekend. Here's what we've got going:

This map may look like a little bit of a mess, but that's because there's a lot going on leading to the end of the week. Our main player for hot weather is that high pressure over the eastern seaboard that is just pumping the heat and humidity towards our area, and keeping cooler air at bay - for now.

Below that you'll notice newly formed Tropical Storm Gordon over the Keys. This could bring us rain as we head a few days out. But before we get to that point, we have to get that high pressure out of here. The first blue line you see is a weak boundry that will actually go up and over our area in the next couple days and won't put a dent in our heat. It's that second front further west with the arctic high that'll eventually put an end to the 90s for us, hopefully for good.

Gordon will get caught up in the tail end of the first front and feed moisture in our area by the end of the week as the second front pushes in to our area.

For the most part, expect highs in the 90s through Thursday, with that day being our best chance for showers. By Saturday, temps will actually drop in to the lower 80s and we should slowly start that progression towards Fall here in the next few weeks.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get rid of the heat and humidity and enjoy being outside for once! Here's to hoping next week's update brings us another stair step down towards seasonable temps.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw where the Euro is predicting 5940+ m for the 500mb height around September 14....

    We would have to top out well over 100 deg F is that is even remotely true, right?


