Saturday, March 30, 2019

Winter's Last Hurrah

Over the past couple weeks we've seen our first 70 degree days, our first completely cloudless days and some spring time thunderstorms. So hey, why not revert back to Winter? Ya know, for old time's sake.

A very strong cold front will cross the region later this evening, bringing the kind of deep temperature gradient we usually see with mid-Fall storm systems. Temperatures will get close to 60º this afternoon before dropping to the mid 20s by sunrise tomorrow. That's a 35º temperature change!

It's not just a temperature swing we'll see today, but heavy rain right through the heart of Central Ohio. Latest models show 1.5-2.0" of rain by sunset this evening, which could lead to some localized flooding. Mostly standing water will be the threat today, with river levels having dropped low enough to not threaten a huge rise in water levels.

But the big story will be the potential for one last snowfall before we transition in to traditional Spring weather. After the front passes through this evening and temps drop close to freezing, we might have enough moisture on the backside of this system to give us a light dusting of snow:

The greatest threat for accumulating snow will be in Western and Northern Ohio, but depending on how quick the moisture pulls out as the front passes by, I think we have a shot at least at some snow showers after midnight.

I don't think this warrants a snow map, but at the most I think north of I-70 could see half an inch here in Central Ohio. Northern Ohio will probably be the winner with 2-3" on the ground, but even if we got that here, none will stick to the roads. Surface temps will not fall off nearly as quickly as air temps, so we could see snow in the low 30s, but it'll be melting on roads in the low 50s.

Sunday and Monday will stay well below average before recovering for the rest of the work week. I feel pretty confident saying this should be our last chance at accumulating snow until next season.

Goodbye Winter, I'll miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. it is very interesting and informative. Thank you for the sharing.
