Sunday, August 20, 2017

Cloud Cover for the Eclipse?

In case you haven't heard from the news, social media, friends, family, the neighbor, or anywhere else... the eclipse is happening tomorrow. Here in Central Ohio we will not see totality, but we should see 85%-88% coverage depending on where you are. But will we even get to see the eclipse? Will there be any cloud cover?

For about the past week it's looked promising for us here in Central Ohio. A developing system to our west looks like it should hold off cloud cover until after the eclipse tomorrow. Here's a look at the NAM model of cloud cover depiction tomorrow afternoon around 2pm:

Indiana is not looking good. But luckily we should be mostly sunny tomorrow.

I don't have eclipse glasses or anything for tomorrow, I'm sure I'll see plenty of pictures online. I'm a little more interested in the effect it'll have on our temperature from 1-4pm tomorrow! I'll be sure to post the results from my weather station.

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