Friday, July 7, 2017

LiveBlog: Big Storm Potential for Central Ohio

LiveBlog: 10:50am
The SPC just upgraded our severe risk today to Enhanced and issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch all at once:

If these storms were a little further west, I'd start using the Derecho word to describe this potential setup. Instead I think we'll see them intensify as they enter our area. We have a lot of sunlight out ahead of these storms adding fuel to the fire, so for what feels like the first time in a very long time, our setup is actually favorable!

Mid level CAPE should soar over 2000 J/kg, and an uncapped environment should allow these cloud tops to soar too. That means expect some big hail potential and high winds as well. The SPC gives the highest probabilities to a high wind event for this, so by early afternoon I expect warnings to be extended out ahead of this cluster.

I'll update this blog as storms approach!
UPDATE: 1:52pm
Here come the storms, but without the punch we expected. No warnings in our area, and nothing more than a decent show of clouds and rain moving in:

1 comment:

  1. Pretty wild storms in Lancaster yesterday, 7-10.

